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Myodural Bridge
Much research has been done pertaining to fascial connections between the brain and muscles. This particular application taps into the...

Front Limb Fascia application
This is all about recovery of the front end, decompressing and opening up circulation and helping to decrease soreness.

Nerve applications
Just like humans, through work, exercise, or just hacking around the pasture, horses can suffer from a pinched or compressed nerves...

The radial nerve
Probably a less commonly used application, however definitely worth mentioning. This is beneficial to direct trauma to the front...

Kissing spine
What is it and what can we do about it? Kissing spine is where the spinous processes are positioned to where they touch or rub. This can...

Myofacial kinetic lines...
... is connective tissue that runs through the body. These different lines help the body move as a unit. Taping these lines not only...

It's not about the physical force ...
... this has on joints, tendon's and ligaments, although in some applications it can be used to support. It's main purpose is about...

Used to decompress facial nerves ...
... and increase blood flow, this application taps into the trigeminal nerve that holds 3 nerve branches through the side of the face. ...

... made up of 3 major muscles, the semitendinosis, semimembranous, and the biceps femoris, the hamstrings are responsible for kicking,...

Today is brought to you in part by: one sassy mare, one grumpy gelding and a fence post.
Today they provided me the opportunity to share with you about swelling, stocking up, and edema. Especially in the legs where there is...

Did you know tape can help with organ function?
By it’s specific placement, it taps into the parasympathetic nervous system which communicates with all the major organs. This...

The trapezius is a thin superficial muscle
... that originates at the top of the neck at C2 and inserts down the back around T10. It’s purpose is to move the scapula. The cervical...

Don’t underestimate the power of this simple SI decompression application.
The sacroiliac is where a horses back and pelvis connect and this area is strengthened by ligaments. From general wear and tear, to a...

The use of a brow band is a great way to decompress tension in the poll and TMJ
It’s like massaging the temples with no hands .
How your Horse can benefit from kinesiology tape
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